Pain Resource Blog

What kind of pillows are good for migraines? 

Our Picks
  • Best memory foam pillow: Tempur-Neck Pillow.
  • Best cooling pillow: The Hullo Buckwheat Pillow.
  • Best adjustable pillow: Mediflow Water Pillow.
  • Best hypoallergenic pillow: Xtreme Comforts Hypoallergenic Shredded Memory Foam Pillow.
  • Best-value memory foam pillow: Epabo Contour Memory Foam Pillow.

Can your pillow cause migraines? Wait, can pillows cause headaches? They sure can. An awkward neck position throughout the night will strain neck muscles, which in turn creates tension at the base of your head.

How should you sleep to avoid migraines? 

How can I improve my sleep to avoid headaches?
  1. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.
  2. Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep.
  3. Make the room you sleep in dark and quiet.
  4. Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol.
  5. Try not to watch TV, use the computer, or text on your cellphone in bed just before you go to sleep.

How do I stop waking up with a migraine? Identify and avoid triggers: Keep a journal to determine migraine triggers and avoid or limit these where possible. Practice sleep hygiene: Go to bed and get up at the same time each day, if possible. Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol before bed, as these can negatively affect sleep quality.

What helps a migraine fast?

In this Article
  1. Try a Cold Pack.
  2. Use a Heating Pad or Hot Compress.
  3. Ease Pressure on Your Scalp or Head.
  4. Dim the Lights.
  5. Try Not to Chew.
  6. Hydrate.
  7. Get Some Caffeine.
  8. Practice Relaxation.

Why do I wake up with a migraine everyday?

Dehydration, poor sleep hygiene, disrupted sleep, and medication withdrawal could all be part of what’s causing you to wake up with a migraine attack. Sleeping 8 to 10 hours per night, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding excessive alcohol consumption might contribute to fewer migraine attacks.

Why am I getting migraines in my sleep?

Hypnic headache is a rare type of headache. It only occurs when you are sleeping and will cause you to wake up. It is often referred to as ‘alarm clock’ headache because it happens at the same time several nights of the week. Some people experience it every night.

Is morning headache a red flag?

Primary vs.

A red flag that a headache could be indicative of a medical issue is if it is a new or unusual headache — for example, one that causes someone to wake up at night, or one that is associated with changes in position. Another red flag is if the headache is accompanied by other symptoms, such as weight loss.

Can a migraine start while sleeping?

Common headache types such as cluster headaches and migraines may occur during sleep or at night in some people.

Can sleeping position cause migraines?

Sleeping in a cold room or sleeping with the neck in an abnormal position may also trigger a tension headache. Other triggers of tension headaches include: Physical or emotional stress. Alcohol use.

What is the best position to sleep in when you have a headache?

Research has shown that back or side sleeping is the best sleeping position for neck pain. These two positions put less pressure on your spine and allow your neck to rest in a natural position. Practice better sleep habits such as avoiding TV and blue light sources to improve your sleep quality.

Why do migraines get worse when lying down?

First, when you lie down, blood vessels that run through your head and your neck can become compressed, which temporarily restricts blood flow, causing headaches. Increased blood pressure on arteries from lying down can increase headache pain.

Can a low pillow cause headaches?

Improper Support. If your pillow offers improper support you might wake up with a tension headache. A pillow that does not hold your head and neck in a neutral alignment with your spine can lead to neck pain and headaches.

Why is my pillow giving me headaches?

Pillows that are too high can cause the head and neck to round forward adding tension to the suboccipital neck muscles. Too much tension in these muscles may result in you waking up with a headache or developing a headache in the morning once you’ve gotten out of bed.

Can memory foam pillows give you headaches?

It may cause a hard time breathing, headaches, nausea, eye and throat irritation, or asthma. The smell should fade after a few days or a week in a well-ventilated area.

Why do I always wake up with a headache?

A number of sleep or health disorders, as well as personal habits, can trigger a headache when you wake up. Sleep apnea, migraine, and lack of sleep are common culprits. However, teeth grinding, alcohol use, and certain medications can also cause you to wake up with a headache.

Why do I keep waking up with a headache on my left side?

A headache on the left side may result from migraine, vasculitis, cluster headaches, or other types. Often, a person can treat a headache at home with over-the-counter remedies and rest. However, if headaches are severe, persistent, or otherwise concerning, contact a healthcare professional.

Why do I keep waking up with a headache behind my eyes?

What Is a Headache Behind the Eyes? A headache behind your eyes can come with other symptoms. They can be a sign of a cluster headache, tension headache, or even sinus headaches that recur if you have allergies or sinus problems. When you feel stressed or tense, headache symptoms can arise.

How many hours is oversleeping?

Oversleeping, or long sleeping, is defined as sleeping more than nine hours in a 24-hour period. On average, most adults require seven to nine hours of sleep4 nightly. A good night’s sleep promotes overall health and mental alertness5. Without enough sleep, you may feel sluggish and unable to focus.

How much sleep do you need by age?

How Much Sleep Do I Need?
Age Group Recommended Hours of Sleep Per Day
Preschool 3–5 years 10–13 hours per 24 hours (including naps)2
School Age 6–12 years 9–12 hours per 24 hours2
Teen 13–18 years 8–10 hours per 24 hours2
Adult 18–60 years 7 or more hours per night3

Why am I always tired and have no energy?

You may be too exhausted even to manage your daily affairs. In most cases, there’s a reason for the fatigue. It might be allergic rhinitis, anemia, depression, fibromyalgia, chronic kidney disease, liver disease, lung disease (COPD), a bacterial or viral infection, or some other health condition.

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