Where do you inject Botox for migraines? You might get injections in your forehead, temples, and the back of your head and neck. Sometimes the specialist will inject areas called “trigger points” where the headache pain originates.

Pain Resource Blog
Pain Resource Blog
Where do you inject Botox for migraines? You might get injections in your forehead, temples, and the back of your head and neck. Sometimes the specialist will inject areas called “trigger points” where the headache pain originates.
Is apple cider vinegar good for migraine headaches? Apple cider vinegar has plenty of potassium, which could also potentially help prevent migraines. It’s thought that inhaling steam vapors of apple cider vinegar may also help with sinus headaches.
Does Fioricet help with migraines? Fioricet is a combination medication that has been around for many years and is approved to treat symptoms of tension headaches. While it’s sometimes used for migraine, there are better choices available.
Is it normal to get headaches after the COVID-19 vaccine? Mild to moderate headaches and muscle aches are common in the first three days after vaccination and don’t require emergency care.
Which beta blocker is best for migraines? Based on studies that have been done to date, propranolol appears to be the most effective beta-blocker for treating and preventing migraine attacks. But, like most medications, beta-blockers can have side effects and can interact with other drugs.
What type of headache does COVID-19 cause, and how does it compare to migraine? In some patients, the severe headache of COVID-19 only lasts a few days, while in others, it can last up to months. It is presenting mostly as a whole-head, severe-pressure pain. It’s different than migraine, which by definition is unilateral throbbing with sensitivity to light or sound, or nausea.
Can your teeth cause migraines? Pain in the tooth’s nerve pulp can travel along the trigeminal nerve to other parts of the head, resulting in what feels like a classic tension headache. In some unlucky individuals, nerve pain from tooth damage can trigger an even more severe form of headache known as migraine.
Can breastfeeding cause migraines? Your hormones may fluctuate while breastfeeding, leading to a headache. You may be physically or emotionally drained by the demands of breastfeeding, resulting in a headache. Lack of sleep or dehydration could be causing a tension or migraine headache.
Which antidepressant is best for migraines? Amitriptyline is the best-studied and most common antidepressant used for migraine prevention. It has a long history of use for migraine. For some people, amitriptyline may work well but cause intolerable side effects. In this case, nortriptyline may be an alternative.
Can zonisamide treat migraines? Zonisamide is effective in the preventive therapy of chronic migraine.